Is mental health a myth?

Chanakya Mental Health services
3 min readDec 5, 2020

Years ago, our world was limited to just books and radio . Neither we were too inquisitive , nor surviving in this world was hard . People didn’t know whats happening with their mind and body and were just going with the age-old customs .

Now , with the advent of internet , there’s so much research papers, articles on what goes on mentally and physically . Plus with the rise of psychiatrists, pyschologists, life-coaches and also with the rise of content related to these on social media, people tend to have a session with them. This can be on anything –Depression, parenting, family life , minimalism whatever .

The word depression has so much stigma around . Now when people open up (still less though L) about their depression to elders , there’s this line constant from them-“ We didn’t have depression , these fellows are making a huge fuss of things”, “They just learn terms from internet and make things big “.

Now the thought of attending sessions for the sanity of the mind might lead the old generation to question that ,”We weren’t attending classes , during our days “,”You aren’t mature enough to hear us , you pay and attend classes to hear from some random person”.

Truly older generation needed so much correction and the following situations can tell you mental health is not just a myth !

1. Depression : People from previous generation were just made to dwell on so much responsibilities that , open interaction is rare . Nobody truly understood others because of so much boundaries from society .

Teenage and post partum depression were more rampant but less spoken about those days!

2. Parenting : For older generation , parentimg is all about “beating when a child does something wrong”and “forcing to do all the errands that parent says”. Child is not allowed to make his/her own life decisions ,there were so many parents who never shied away telling “negatives” about their child to others thinking that child “corrects himself” when told bad about them outside .

Nobody told them how these things could affect the child for life.

Clearly more than half of the older generation people , were made to accept their path of life , rather than helping them to make wise decisions.

3. Life-hacking :

Things which can be made so much easier , are made so much hard . There are so many planning hacks,growth hacks, life hacks that older generation wasn’t aware of . Instead of living a routine life , there are so many ways to follow your heart and do whatever you want .

4. Equality : Again this has been a vast thing those days . Women must be depenedent on someone all the time that they suffer a lot mentally . Lockdown made us claustrophobic but think of those women who lived like this all their life ? Not fair right?

The above things have created a huge impact in the society now . The younger generation is made to live in a sea of myths and superstitions , when questioned ,”this becomes a topic.”

These aren’t the mistake of them as they’ve been nurtured by the same way by their ancestors .

But now as a responsible generation, we have all right to question and take care of our mind . For the world we live in , we definitely need to attend sessions or just learn something for our mental health . Depression , effects of wrong parenting , equality issues aren’t a myth . These are real and have life changing effects .

With all respect to the older generation , lets do our bit to take care of ourselves first .




Chanakya Mental Health services

An online mental health platform which provides therapy sessions through online video calls. Webiste :