Why you should visit a therapist for mental health?

Chanakya Mental Health services
4 min readDec 29, 2020

In this competitive world, theres so much to face. And for the lifestyle we live , mentally we go through a lot . There are lots of reasons but there are various solutions too .

We visit doctors to reat physical ailments . But when we want someone to treat us mentally ? There are qualified therapists for that !Visiting a therapist is one big solution for the issues you face mentally . But can we analyse the reasons for why people usually don’t do that ?

· Visiting therapist is a taboo for some people . People are looked down when visited a therapist . They’ve been called names , shamed them and avoided thinking that their presence is disgraceful .

· People call you lunatic.

· People think its just okay or nothing and time heals .

· People tell you should not open up to a random person

· People tell that they didn’t visit these kind of people in olden days , so they don’t find this applicable at any point

· Some people tell constant stress and pressure is actually good.

· People think therapists put you in an asylum and torture you

· People feel that mental illness aint a real illness . And think theyre cooking stories

· Hearing some myths , people may think therapist may do some black magic.

If you can relate to any of this or think right about these stuffs , its high time you learn what really mental health is . From Small things like frightening the child by showing ghosts , abusing them verbally , speaking words on physique to big things like abuse, constant torture can affect them for life . This can contribute to factors like suicidal thoughts, depression etc . This need medical attention if not it would harm them and the society . They can go to extreme conditions from harming themselves to harming the public .

Therapists are professionals who handle these issues in a dignified way and give you a solution.

Now coming to the titular question, Why should you visit a therapist?

1. Therapy tells you the right solution and cause of what goes on your mind . By going to few sittings of therapy , you can be in a state of telling what went wrong and what you should do next .

2. A therapist handles you in a dignified way that you can entrust them with what you feel . Theyre the most non judgemental trustworthy persons you can open up wihout any inhibhitions. The more you open up and speak out to them , more easier the recovery .

3. Visiting a therapist is important because you get to know an other perpective of your issue , atleast apart from the persons you know . This can help you understand ad move over the issue.

4. Visiting a therapist wont make you a bad person , the harm you create without going to them does . So think of it just as a procedure to find yourself .

5. You’d get a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses when you visit a therapist.

6. If you gonna think what others would label you just for few weeks of therapy , think that it’s an important investment for the betterment of rest of your life .

7. If you think nobody can understand you , a therapist can , because a therapist is trained to understand you and cure you. Theyre professionals in that .

8. Highly cooperative patients , have their therapists as mentors . Therapists continue to be an amazing guide to count on

9. When everyone around looks down upon you , remember a therapist wont . A therapist would only give you strength and tell you some lifestyle changes that youd never feel them as a third person.

10. Lastly , you are living for yourself . Atleast for your peace , visiting a therapist is not wrong . All of us have bad phases in life and we strive hard to see a change . Surely going to a therapist brings a good change in your life . They can make you understand the meaning of life and tell you whats right and whats wrong .

Never ever hesitate to go to professionals when youre not okay mentally . Think it as an investment to your life .

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Chanakya Mental Health services

An online mental health platform which provides therapy sessions through online video calls. Webiste : www.chanakya.live